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Supporting you to birth with confidence 

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Blooming Births Hypnobirthing and Antenatal courses

The North Easts top rated Antenatal course that will take you from feeling scared, anxious and out of control, to feeling confident, informed and excited for your baby's birth.

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I know what you've been told about giving birth...

"It's the worst pain imaginable!"
"You'll be screaming for an epidural!"
"There's no point preparing because it all goes out the window anyway!"

Sound familiar?

Almost everyone I meet has been told these things during their pregnancy and as a result it's left them feeling super apprehensive about giving birth.

And it can be so tempting to bury your head in the sand, cross your fingers & toes and just pray for the best - whilst also quietly expecting the worst.

But I know you want more from your birth.

I know you want a birth where you feel supported, in control, informed and listened to. 


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And you're in the right place! 

The Blooming Births Hypnobirthing course is everything you need.

Our 5 star rated antenatal course is here to help you to ditch the fear and start feeling really calm, prepared and excited for your baby's birth. 

We believe that everyone's journey into pregnancy and birth is unique, and that's exactly why we
individually tailor our sessions to you.

With an approach that is balanced, honest and always evidence based, we're here to hold your hand and guide you towards your confident birth - whatever that may look like to you!

As featured on
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The Blooming Births difference

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This isn't like NCT or other antenatal courses.

Classic antenatal education tends to focus solely on information giving - the stages of labour, pain relief options, birth positions. 


And YES this is important to know, but here's why it's rarely enough...


Because knowing all of the 'stuff' won't help you to have a positive birth. 


Blooming Births Hypnobirthing is a complete birth preparation course. Our holistic approach to birth prep combines powerful mindset work and practical relaxation tools, alongside all of the knowledge you need about how birth works.

These incredible tools are for every single birth. 

Even if your birth doesn't go exactly how you expected or planned, our antenatal courses will give you all of the techniques and knowledge you need to still have a positive experience. 

Discover more about the science behind how Hypnobirthing works here.

Upcoming course dates

All courses are held at Gosforth Garden Village Association from 1.30pm - 5.30pm on the dates shown.

14th & 21st July 2024 - only 5 spaces left

22nd & 29th Sept 2024 - only 5 spaces left

24th Nov & 1st Dec 2024 - only 5 spaces left

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Hey, I'm Emma!

The founder of Blooming Births, an antenatal specialist and the recommended Hypnobirthing practitioner from Jesmond Natural & Fertility.


I’m not here to tell you how to give birth. 


I'm here to provide you with the knowledge you need about all of your options, alongside some really powerful techniques to help you stay calm and in control.

Following the birth of my own two babies, I continue to work closely with the Newcastle Maternity Units 

to stay up to date with policies and guidelines.

I'm here to gently hold your hand and take you from feeling scared, apprehensive and worried, to feeling confident, calm and excited for your baby's birth.

Whether you want a homebirth, a hospital birth or a c-section, my antenatal courses will give you all of the tools you need to embrace a truly positive birth.

You can discover more about my own story and passion for Hypnobirthing here!

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Work with me

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