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Frequently asked questions

Find the answers to all your Hypnobirthing questions 

What is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is a fully comprehensive evidence-based antenatal course which empowers you to feel totally confident for birth. Rather than seeing birth as a painful and scary event, Hypnobirthing helps to alleviate the fear and gives you an in depth understanding of your body. Hypnobirthing teaches you simple yet powerful tools that you can use during labour to help your body to relax. Put simply: a relaxed body = an easier birth. You can find out more about the science behind Hypnobirthing here.

When is the best time to do a Hypnobirthing course?

There is no right or wrong when it comes to deciding when to do a Hypnobirthing course. Most people choose to start a course between 16 and 34 weeks of pregnancy, as this gives them plenty of time to practice the tools and techniques, but other people start a course at 34+ weeks. It really is completely up to you when you choose to start your Hypnobirthing course.

How long does it take to learn Hypnobirthing?

Every Hypnobirthing teacher will structure their courses slightly differently, so it really does vary from provider to provider in terms of the length of Hypnobirthing course. A Hypnobirthing course of 8+ hours should cover a variety of tools and techniques in depth. My Hypnobirthing courses run over either 8 or 9 hours depending on which option you choose. After you've completed your course, it's really important to practice the Hypnobirthing techniques you have learned. The more time you have to practice the more confident you will feel and the more you can really rewrite any unconscious negative beliefs you have about birth.

Can I do Hypnobirthing if I'm planning to use medical forms of pain relief?

Hypnobirthing can be used alongside any type of pain relief you choose during labour, including medical pain relief such as gas & air, and epidurals. A high quality Hypnobirthing course explore all of your pain relief options, including natural and medical choices so that you can make an informed decision about what is right for you. It is usually possible to combine a number of pain relief methods together alongside your Hypnobirthing techniques. Whilst evidence does suggest that those who use Hypnobirthing usually find birth less painful, the goal of Hypnobirthing is not to replace pain relief.

Can I do Hypnobirthing if I'm planning a c-section?

Yes! The Hypnobirthing I teach is for all births, including c-sections. Hypnobirthing can help you to understand what to expect before you go in for your c-section and also give you the tools you need to feel calm about the experience. My private Hypnobirthing courses can be tailored for those who know they want a c-section from very early on in pregnancy so we can focus on making sure you have an incredible birth. A high quality Hypnobirthing course should teach you about how to have a positive c-section even if this would not be your first preference but it's best to check with individual teachers about what their course covers.

Is Hypnobirthing available on the NHS?

Hypnobirthing is available at some NHS trusts but it isn't something that is widely available across the UK. It's worth contacting your local trust to see if they do offer Hypnobirthing classes though. Unfortunately, due to severe funding cuts, staffing shortages and the impacts of COVID-19, many NHS trusts have had to scale back their free antenatal classes.

Can I learn Hypnobirthing online?

There are some Hypnobirthing providers who offer an online course option. Some online Hypnobirthing courses will be pre-recorded and some will be 'live' so it's important you're aware of this. There are pros and cons to both, so it's worth considering these before booking an online course. You should also consider the pros and cons of an in person class to decide which option is best for you. My private courses can all be held online over zoom for those who live overseas or further afield from Newcastle but I do not offer a pre-recorded Hypnobirthing course.

How is Hypnobirthing different to NCT?

Hypnobirthing and NCT course are very different.  NCT courses tend to be very traditional in their approach to antenatal education and are usually ran in large groups. NCT courses will focus a lot on information giving and will cover a wide range of topics from pregnancy right the way through to caring for a newborn. Hypnobirthing courses tends to focus more on birth preparation and use elements of Hypnotherapy to reprogramme your unconscious beliefs about birth. It's important to consider which topics are being covered on both courses, what is most important to you and the pros vs cons of each. That being said, it doesn't necessarily have to be an 'either or' situation, with some people choosing to do both Hypnobirthing and NCT.

Is Hypnobirthing worth it?

You only give birth to your baby once and this experience is something you will remember forever. Hypnobirthing teaches you incredibly powerful tools which are for every single birth. So even if your birth goes in a different direction to what you hoped for, Hypnobirthing will help you to remain calm, feel more in control and ultimately view your baby's birth as a positive event. 

Our Courses


Gosforth - Newcastle

Expert led weekend antenatal courses delivered in small intimate groups. Make friends and prepare for your positive birth together.


Gosforth - Newcastle

Spend time nurturing your own wellbeing and preparing for your calm birth at one of our afternoon pregnancy retreats.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Online or in person

Fully bespoke antenatal courses expertly tailored to meet your needs. These 121 courses are delivered in the comfort of your home.


Pregnancy Relaxation Classes

Gosforth - Newcastle

A soothing candle lit pregnancy class focusing on rest, relaxation and mindfulness, supporting you to gently prepare for birth.

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