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7 telltale signs you're probably in labour!


As a first-time mama, it's completely normal to feel a mix of both excitement and anticipation as you come towards the end of your pregnancy. One of the biggest questions I get asked as an antenatal teacher is ‘but how will I know labour has started?'

Understanding the signs that labour may have started is essential. In the very early stages of labour, your cervix has a big job to do as it softens and becomes quite thin. This can go on for hours or even days for some people. This is entirely normal.

Please remember that your body is very clever - just like the signs and symptoms you get before your period is due, your body will likely give you signals that labour is starting too!

In this blog post, we’ll explore 7 telltale signs that labour has begun and practical things you can do to help things progress with ease.

1. Waters Breaking

Your ‘waters breaking’ refers to the rupture of the amniotic sac, releasing the fluid that surrounds your baby. You may experience this as a large gush of water or a slow trickle.

Despite what you see depicted in movies, it’s actually really rare for your waters to break as one of the first signs of labour. In fact, research suggests that this only occurs in only 10% of people, but it's usually the first thing that comes to mind whenever I ask my clients about the signs of labour starting!

It’s much more common that your waters break during the later phases of labour.

2. Having a "bloody show" (aka losing your mucus plug)

During pregnancy, your cervix is protected by a plug of mucus. This 'plug' acts as a barrier, protecting the good microbes in your vagina as well as preventing harmful germs from reaching baby. When the mucus plug loosens and comes out of your vagina, this is called 'a show'. It usually looks like a clear, white jelly substance that can sometimes be tinged with blood (you can google image it!).

Sometimes your mucus plug comes out with baby and other times people don't even notice it's come out.

Losing your mucus plug doesn't necessarily mean that labour is about to start right away - but it is a sign that your body is getting ready.

Don't worry about infections to your baby either if you do notice that you've lost your plug - your body will continue to produce new mucus to protect your baby.

  1. Back Pain 

A really common sign that labour may be starting is experiencing back pain. At the start of labour, this may be quite intermittent and not too intense. You may find a hot water bottle a great comfort for easing the discomfort of back pain, movement, rest or a TENS machine if you're using one.

  1. Nesting Instinct

Lots of women may experience a sudden burst of energy and an overwhelming urge to prepare for their baby's arrival. This is known as the "nesting instinct."

If you find yourself frantically cleaning or organising your space, it may be a sign that labour is imminent!

  1. Surges/contractions

Another common sign that labour is starting is the onset of contractions or surges.

How these surges feel will be very different for everyone. Typically, in the early stages of labour, surges start out very mild, with lots of people describing the feeling as similar to period cramps.

It’s very common that these surges come and go intermittently, or are very stop start over a period of hours, days or even weeks for some people.

This is very normal in the process of birth and is essentially your bodies way of gearing up for those more powerful surges that come later on!

In early labour, you will still likely be able to talk through any contractions or surges you experience and will probably be able to carry on with your life as normal.

As things progress, you're likely to start 'zoning out' when you experience more intense contractions.

  1. Feeling restless

Alongside all of the other symptoms listed here, you may also start to feel a bit restless when labour starts.

It's important to listen to your body here - if you feel like you need to burn off your restless energy, you may like to go for a gentle walk, distract yourself with a funny movie, or have a nap if you're able to.

  1. Needing to use the loo...!

During early labour, you may experience a sudden urge to go to the loo for a poo and you may have loose bowel movements. This is completely normal.

In early labour, your body is gearing up and preparing for birth. It's important to stay calm and relaxed as possible, as this will really help to boost your birth hormone oxytocin. The more oxytocin you have, the quicker your labour is likely to progress!

You may experience one or two of the symptoms listed above, all of them, or you might not even realise that labour has begun until your contractions become much more intense!

Some helpful things you can do if you think labour may have started:

  • stay at home for as long as you can

  • have regular snacks to keep your energy up

  • drink lots and stay hydrated

  • rest as much as possible - if it’s night time try and get some sleep

  • try relaxing in the bath or shower

  • watch a funny movie/comedy

  • listen to some uplifting music and have a dance

  • go for a gentle walk

  • ask your partner to give you massage

  • have a cuddle/kiss with your partner

  • go to the toilet regularly

If you’re not sure labour has started or you're at all worried, call your midwife. Sometimes just the process of talking through your symptoms is enough to help you relax.


So there you have it, 7 telltale signs that labour has started!

Were there any signs here that surprised you? Let me know!

Love Emma


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